Season 2, Episode 42 Libertarian Crusaders with David Friedman - Election ScenariosOne week after the elections the future of America is still uncertain. Sitting down with David Friedman we discuss what happens next. What does a Biden/Harris presidency look like? If...
Is America Ready To Declare Independence Again?
Season 1, Episode 3
Is America Ready To Declare Independence Again?
Americans celebrated the Declaration of Independence from tyranny last week, but do we share the same grievances as they enumerated on that document? Are we overtaxed? Are the police heavily militarized and invasive in our lives? Do we have just cause to alter or abolish that government? Was the Revolutionary War worth it?
Americans celebrated the Declaration of Independence from tyranny last week, but do we share the same grievances as they enumerated on that document? Are we overtaxed? Are the police heavily militarized and invasive in our lives? Do we have just cause to alter or abolish that government? Was the Revolutionary War worth it?
Hosts & Guests
Kal | John | Kurt | Tyler
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