About Us
Libertarian Crusaders
Who We Are
We are a group of friends from Virginia who value liberty and wish to encourage like-minded people to stand up and speak out against the tyranny of the State, the Media, and the Academic Elites. We took the first part of our name, “Libertarian,” to reflect our alignment with thinkers like Lysander Spooner, Ludwig von Mises, Frédéric Bastiat, Ayn Rand, and Murray Rothbard. We believe that their work is a crushing blow to socialism and State coercion. We call ourselves “Crusaders” to show our support for defense. Just as the Hospitallers defended Christian pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land, we defend Tradition and our Western values on a pilgrimage to an ordered society.
On Christianity
From time to time, we might discuss Christian ideas and the important role that they play in our culture. This is in keeping with the Crusader aspect of our show, which does not shy away from Christianity’s importance to Western Civilization. While some of us are Christian, one does not need to be a Christian to appreciate Christianity’s influence. Great thinkers like Murray Rothbard, an atheist Jew, even studied the Spanish Scholastics and drew from their writings. And of course, Christian faith is likely to influence one’s reaction to modern problems like feminism, destruction of families, and the warfare/police state.
Meet The Hosts

Kal grew up with a strong thirst for adventure and proving people wrong. With his grandfather escaping communist Cuba in a dust cropper with a toy compass to point north and a knife to fight off sharks, his upbringing was wrought with lessons of the dangers of big government. When not evangelizing he enjoys applying his Security Forces military training on urban exploration.


Kurt grew up in rural agriculture area, on the Platte river of Nebraska. Both parents having small entrepreneurial ventures (HVAC & Cleaning service) and being the baby of the family Kurt grew up with a lassie fair childhood with plenty of time to explore the creek, River, and tree lines between fields growing up. The story’s of the great frontiers men influenced his grade school years. Daniel Boone, was a nickname used by my father when I would emerge from the wilderness after a weekend away. Independent childhood shaped this crusader.
Deus Vult!
“What draws people to be friends is that they see the same truth. They share it.” – C. S. Lewis